Monday, September 29, 2008


The third Yama, Asteya, is translated as non-stealing. Deep practice with it encourages not to desire the belongings, conditions, ideas, or anything else of another. In Buddhist practice this is echoed by the second grave precept, "Be giving. Do not Steal." (as written by John Daido Loori).

In order that we are not tempted to steal we are encouraged to recognize that we have desires, but to be modest in them, trustworthy, and respectful in our dealings with others. We may eventually come to realize the inherent impermance in the idea of anything that is "mine" or "theirs" to steal. With this practice, we cultivate the space to be more giving of our resources, posessions, and self.

When teaching students, in assuming the repsonsibility of guiding other people, I must be giving of my resources. I must be accountable to the students and mindful the trust they place in another person to teach them. Although it is good to desire to see students attain correct posture, this should be moderated by respect and compassion for each student's ability.

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