Monday, January 12, 2009

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana


Setu - A bridge
Bandha - A lock
Sarvanga - To provide support

Supported Bridge Pose

In Iyengar Yoga this pose is also referred to as Chatush Padasana, or "four-footed pose", since the shoulders should be tucked under to create two additional "feet" for the body.

  • Tones and stretches the legs; calves, quadriceps, and hamstrings
  • Strengthens the spine, chest, and neck.
  • Increases blood flow to the legs, pelvis, lower spine and abdomen
  • Tones and stimulates the abdominal organs, improving digestion
  • May help some types of back pain due to the lengthening and strengthening in the hips and spine.
  • Opens across the chest and allows for the breath to be very deep.
  • Stimulates the lungs and thyroid gland
  • Energizes the body, especially the legs
  • Calms the mind, relieving anxiety, nervous tension, and stress
  • Excellent pose for students who may be unable to practice deeper inversions
  • People with neck injury may want to avoid this pose or perform only with approval from their healthcare professional.
  • Women who are pregnant may find this pose uncomfortable after the third month and should avoid entirely in the third trimester.
  • May exacerbate symptoms related to high blood pressure, especially if uncontrolled.
  • Any person who has experienced any kind of hemorrhagic stroke should not do this pose without consulting their health care professional first.

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